Nursing Tidbits: Insights from an Inpatient Nurse

Has anyone told you “don’t do it” or regret that they became a nurse? Did you know that the national turnover rate currently is 8.8-37%, costing hospitals up to $56,000 per nurse according to NSI Nursing Solutions? Nursing is a very stressful job especially in inpatient settings, however nothing is more fulfilling than pursuing yourContinue reading “Nursing Tidbits: Insights from an Inpatient Nurse”

Funny Tidbits of Nursing Knowledge/ Nursing Advice

Be careful not to nurse the computer Not everyone showers regularly Everyone’s anatomy is different It is not exactly like the case studies I have never inspected so many butts No, you cannot bring your monkeys to the hospital If you smell smoke, one of your patients is probably smoking in their room If youContinue reading “Funny Tidbits of Nursing Knowledge/ Nursing Advice”