Funny Tidbits of Nursing Knowledge/ Nursing Advice

  • Be careful not to nurse the computer
  • Not everyone showers regularly
  • Everyone’s anatomy is different
  • It is not exactly like the case studies
  • I have never inspected so many butts
  • No, you cannot bring your monkeys to the hospital
  • If you smell smoke, one of your patients is probably smoking in their room
  • If you are a patient and walk across the street to taco bell, you will be forced to leave AMA
  • Allowing a patient to leave AMA will probably make your shift so much better- don’t take it personally!
  • It is a good morning when you only have one fingerstick.
  • Ensure quality > quantity
  • Sometimes the best position to place a foley is side-lying or doggy style
  • Just because a patient is in the hospital, does not mean that they can treat you like trash
  • You do not work for the doctors, you work for the hospital.- Stick up for yourself!
  • Family members are often worse than the patients, however if you listen, they can turn out to provide valuable information
  • Stay humble!- You will not know everything and there is always a resource to learn more
  • Be involved within your unit- building personal relationships with coworkers will make going into work so much better
  • The best nurses are those that start from the ground-up- Remember to appreciate and help EVS, NTs, etc.
  • Offer things the patients are allowed, rather than focusing on things they cannot have or cannot do

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